The Art and Science of Great Copy: Exquisite Course ever (Part 1)

Course Review: Session 1

Shubhra Sanag
7 min readFeb 25, 2021


Are you searching for the best copywriting course on the internet?
Copywriting skill is the on-demand skill. It’s the best decision of your life. Have you found the best coach Online?
Am I right? In the 21st century, we have tons of writers more than any other profession.
It has several categories, content writing, creative writing, and copywriting. From all of these, copywriting is the most profitable profession ever. Copywriters earn more money than an average content writer.
In this article, you will know why you should join this course than any other. We are reviewing the course-The art and Science of great copy.

Created by Me (Picsart)


The purpose of writing this review is to help aspiring writers become trained copywriters also to provide you the best information under my knowledge and understanding about the course.

Introduction to the Instructor

Mr. Rajendra Soni sir is Quality Writer and Editor. He has been writing articles online since 2007 and has already completed 1000+ finished featured write-ups in the year 2019.
Through his writing business, he is generating 1500 $/month.
He is on a mission to connect with 2,00,000 writers in India. He is a CEO of a Digital Writopreneurs Hub and created a digital Writopreneurs team.
To help these writers to create their brands, get high-paying clients, self-publishing books, and generating royalty with their work. Also, he is training these writers to become quality editors, super content marketers, YouTubers, freelancers, copywriters, and life coaches. After investing time in every aspiring writer, he able to find out who is capable of what?
He trained them to become their best versions, the one who is fearless and fully confident, a good speaker, listener, and writer.
I think nobody is like him. The quality he is providing in his content is the best.
If you want to cross-check the introduction of an instructor, type Digital Writopreneurs Hub on google, he has already buildup his authority on google,
Digital Writopreneurs Hub already has 5 Star and 4.8 Rating on google reviews.

My Quotes (Created in Picsart)

Course Review

Session 1
The session is divide into three parts:-
1. Copywriting in detail
2. Presentation created by the instructor
3. Doubt and feedback session.

1. Copywriting in detail.

He asks first, what do you know about copywriting?
The purpose of asking the question was to check the knowledge of trainees without judging them.
As he has already known that the trainee had confusion over the similar term copyrighting.
He explained the real meaning of copywriting. He conveys a difference between both of them.
Definition and difference between look-alike terms
Copywriting is a professional art of writing to market and sell the product or services.
Brands use copywriting to increase their productivity, several customers, and their global reach of the company or firm and organizations.
Whereas copyrighting is to protect your intellectual property.

Scope of Copywriters
He told us the potential of a copywriter over a content writer.
How much one can earn from copywriting is limitless.
A copywriter can increase and decrease the value of a brand.
A Copywriter has a reach to use golden words. To influence the reader in such a way that they can get ready to take immediate action.
He has created a whole list of the researching process to write the best copy for the client.
Whatever you need to know about was told in steps.
Knowing the customer’s pain is vital in writing about them.
To develop an understanding of the product, company, and customers.
Copywriters need to research their level to understand them better as a copywriter is like a doctor who can treat a patient only when he knows the real problem of a patient.

My Creativity Wings (Picsart)

2. Presentation created by the instructor

There was a practical test for our minds to notice the difference between two copies of different writers, Aspiring writer who has just started and experienced writer the one who is an expert.
Few examples were to train your brain to think like a copywriter.
It is always necessary whatever you are learning?
First, your brain must enter into thinking so that you become one.

3. Doubt and feedback session

Every trainee has a different experience, so he gave each one of them. One by one, each gave him feedback.
Assignment and Quiz
I have completed the first session, quiz, and assignment. I believe that after every session, I will be getting more value and applicable-knowledge from this course.

My Creative Corner (Picsart)

What did I learn from this course; Session 1

I learned to see the vision of a copywriter
My mind started seeing the different perspectives of the same story.
I know every course he created for making us normal towards a topic. We put them off the pedestal and the hype created by the industry specialist so that we will be able to see beyond the line.
Because we are always pre-decided that only the special people can enter beyond the line. It is all about mind conditioning that will change the whole story for you.
Most of the time do miss learning new things, as we thought that we do not deserve to have such knowledge.
It is not right to reject ourselves before others can do so.
Mindset is everything. I feel like the process of changing your mindset is fast if you allow your mind to enter into a learning state.
It seems possible to become a copywriter, as you know it is a mental conditioning process. Only you have to take care of your mental diet.

Five points I like about session 1

  • The English is simple in the course. Nobody likes to hear jargon about a particular industry. The word choice of the content, vocabulary are easy.
  • In Every session, each trainee gets a chance to speak.
  • If you have missed something in the session, notes are all given below the session.
  • The course is divided into different sections, small chunks, and videos so your mind will not distract throughout the session.
  • In every session, you will get assignments and quizzes. It will make you more attentive during the sessions.


  • You can take your notepads and pen to jot down anything you hear and want to remember for a longer duration.
  • Complete your assignments after every session.
  • Note your doubts and ask them in the next session or question and answer regular sessions.
  • Comment below the session what you like about that session and give your feedback.

Benefits of joining here and now

  • It is an ongoing course on So, if you join now, you will get more value than the other writers.
  • We are building an enormous community of writers on WhatsApp, telegram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and many other social media platforms. It will help us to create our online portfolio, backlinks, clients as well as traffic.
  • It is a concise, easily understandable, and applicable course of copywriting.
  • In the course, there are new sessions still adding on, new materials, case studies, questions, and answer sessions.
  • The course contains small videos that will cut down your burden of learning a vast syllabus.
  • He is an over-giver. He always promises less but gives you more value and quality. Nobody is like Mr. Rajendra Soni sir teaches us like we are his children.
  • We can learn everything now as every piece of information is available at your fingertips. Industrial experts can reveal the secrets and strategy on a particular subject at their own risk. Because revealing their working secrets will lead to losing their uniqueness. What if everyone will start copying and applying those secrets? A real coach has a vision and purpose that are greater than making money.
  • The style of this coach is different from others. What he truly believes is? Everyone is different from attempting all steps to writing a compelling copy will also add uniqueness to their work. People will be able to develop their idea. So, there is no doubt in duplicacy of one’s notion.

Note for more detail information about the course and guidance on copywriting and quality writing. Contact Mr Rajinder Soni


I will be adding his full course review as per the completion of the session. If you want to join us to become a quality writer, if you want to learn how to become a copywriter, there will be a lot more about the course to tell you. I will try to create more course reviews from his sessions.
You can join the community as he does Facebook live sessions every two to three days. For more queries related to this course or anything else, you want to discuss. Your comments are always welcome. It boosted my confidence and also helped me to understand that I will be able to add value to my content.



Shubhra Sanag

Shubhra Sanag is a Non-fiction writer who best at writing self-help content, human psychology reviews, Interviews, course reviews, and critical analysis.